Animal Ordinances for City of Tulsa
The City publishes its local animal ordinances online. The sections below detail the ordinance for each animal type and link you directly to city codes.
Title 2, Section 200, Para C & D
C. Poultry kept in areas zoned for agriculture must be in pens or buildings located at least one hundred (100) feed from an adjoining property line.
D. Poultry kept in areas not zoned for agriculture shall not exceed six (6) adults and fourteen (14) chicks under the age of eight (8) weeks, and must be kept under the following conditions:
The fowl must be kept in a building which at its nearest point is no closer than fifty (50) feet to any adjoining residence.
The floors of such building shall be of easily cleanable construction, and shall be maintained in sanitary conditions not offensive or dangerous to the public health by routinely cleaning and properly disposing of the droppings; and
The outside opening of the building shall be screened to prevent the spread of disease by flies and vermin.
Poulty is defined by the Ordinances as: Any bird of the species Gallus (chicken) or Meleagris Gallipavo (Domestic Turkey), generally, any type of chicken.
Title 2, Section 200, Paragraph E
E. Rabbits
Rabbits kept in areas zoned for agriculture (AG) or agricultural residential (AG-R) must be in pens or buildings located at least one hundred (200) feet from an adjoining property line.
Rabbits kept in areas not zoned for agriculture or agricultural residential shall not exceed six (6) adults and fourtheren (14) young under the age of eight (8) weeks and shall be kept under the following minimum standards:
The rabbits must be kept in a building which at its nearest point is no closer than fifty (50) feet to any adjoining residence.
The floors of such building shall be of easily cleanable construction, and shall be maintained in sanitary condition not offensive or dangerous to the public health by routinely cleaning and properly disposing of the droppings; and
The outside opening of the building shall be screened to prevent the spread of disease by flies and verminon text goes here
Title 2, Section 101, Paragraph A16
Harbor, keep or possess domestic honeybees otherwise permitted by this chapter unless the bees are maintained as follows:
No more than four (4) hives shall be maintained for each one-quarter (¼) acre or less of lot size on any lot; and
No hive shall be maintained within twenty (20) feet of any lot line of the lot on which said hive is located; and
Between each hive and the neighboring lot in the direction of the hive entrance the hive owner shall maintain a hedge or a screening fence of at least six (6) feet in height, to be located within twenty (20) feet of such lot line, and to extend the entire length of such lot line; and
A supply of clean water must be furnished within twenty (20) feet of each hive between March 1 and October 31 of each year; and
Hive owners shall inspect each hive not less than four (4) times between March 1 and October 31 of each year. A written record including the date of each such inspection shall be maintained by the owner and shall be made available to WIN upon request.
Any commercial use of the property on which bees are maintained shall be conducted in accordance with Title 42.
Hive shall mean a manmade home for bees which includes one (1) or more boxes containing removable frames for rearing young bees, a queen excluder, one (1) or more boxes with removable frames for honey storage, an inner cover and a top cover, all of which are set on a hive stand.