Scissortail Farms
Located in rural Tulsa County in a historically underdeveloped area west of the train yards and Lookout Mountain, Scissortail Farms contains scalable production greenhouses utilizing aeroponic and hydroponic technology to grow lettuces, leafy greens and herbs.. The special growing processes used, known as aeroponics and hydroponics, grow lettuce, herbs and leafy greens that contain more nutrients than traditionally-grown products. Scissortail Farms provides locally-grown, harmful chemical- and manure-free leafy greens and herbs for our community while minimizing the environmental impact, preserving water, and eliminating long-haul transportation. Scissortail Farms provides food for Tulsan’s and the surrounding areas and also stocks major realtors like Whole Foods, Homeland and Reasor’s.
Press Links:
Seen on Channel 2 news
Tulsa People Magazine
Explore Tulsa
Mississippi State Farmweek feature
Edible Tulsa